Application Programming Interface (API)

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are sets of protocols and rules in computer programming that enable applications to interact with and retrieve data from external services. They function as bridges, facilitating communication between different software systems. In essence, an API acts as a conduit, allowing one application to “call” upon another application to access and utilize specific information.

Think of APIs as a means for applications to engage in conversations, much like a telephone connecting two parties. When an application makes an API call, it requests data or functionality from another service, which then responds with the requested information.

By leveraging APIs, developers can seamlessly integrate external services into their applications or utilize data for various analyses. This capability empowers developers to access a wealth of resources and functionalities, enabling them to build robust solutions and address customer needs more effectively.


For example, Imagine you’re using a weather forecasting app on your smartphone. This app relies on APIs to gather real-time weather data from various sources, such as meteorological services or weather stations.

When you open the app, it sends a request to the designated weather API, specifying parameters like location and time. The API then processes this request and retrieves the relevant weather information for your location, such as current temperature, humidity, and forecasted conditions.

The app then displays this data in a user-friendly format, allowing you to stay informed about the weather in your area. In this scenario, APIs enable the weather app to access and utilize external data seamlessly, enhancing its functionality and providing valuable information to users.