Domain Name System (DNS)

DNS, or the Domain Name System, acts as the backbone of the internet, functioning much like a “phone book” that translates user-friendly domain names such as into computer-readable IP addresses. This translation process is vital for enabling web browsers and other internet-connected devices to locate and access websites accurately.

Imagine you want to visit a website like Instead of having to remember its complex numerical IP address (e.g.,, you simply type the domain name into your browser’s address bar. Behind the scenes, DNS servers work tirelessly to resolve this domain name into the corresponding IP address, ensuring that your request reaches the correct destination on the internet.

By handling the association between domain names and IP addresses, DNS simplifies the browsing experience for users. Instead of grappling with lengthy strings of numbers, users can rely on intuitive domain names to navigate the vast landscape of the internet effortlessly.

In addition to translating domain names, DNS also plays a crucial role in managing various internet services, including email delivery, file transfers, and network connectivity. Without DNS, the internet as we know it would be virtually inaccessible, making it a foundational component of the digital infrastructure that powers our interconnected world.


For example, When you type “” into your web browser’s address bar, DNS translates this user-friendly domain name into the corresponding IP address (e.g., This translation allows your browser to connect to Google’s servers and display the search engine’s homepage.