Email Automation

Email automation involves implementing predefined rules to automatically trigger email messages based on specific actions or inactions taken by customers. For instance, a welcome email may be sent immediately after a customer signs up for a mailing list, while a reminder email could be triggered when a customer adds items to their cart but fails to complete the purchase.

By automating these processes, email automation streamlines repetitive tasks, allowing marketers to focus on more valuable activities such as addressing customer inquiries. Furthermore, automated emails can serve various purposes, including educating customers about the brand, fostering customer loyalty, and reminding them of the reasons they chose to engage with the brand initially.


An example of email automation is when a customer abandons their online shopping cart without completing the purchase. In response, an automated email is triggered, reminding them of the items left in their cart and encouraging them to complete the checkout process.

This email may also offer incentives such as a discount or free shipping to incentivize the customer to return and complete their purchase. By automating this process, the business can recover potentially lost sales and improve overall conversion rates without manual intervention.