Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a regulatory agency of the United States government tasked with overseeing communication devices and systems, including the Internet. Its primary objective is to ensure equitable access to these communication platforms for all citizens while safeguarding their integrity in the interest of public and national security. Typically, the FCC is responsible for formulating consumer protection regulations, such as privacy safeguards, while the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible for enforcing these regulations.


An example of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) role could involve regulating telecommunications companies to ensure fair competition and consumer protection. For instance, if a telecommunications provider were to engage in anti-competitive practices or violate consumer privacy rights, the FCC would investigate the matter and potentially impose fines or sanctions to address the issue.

The FCC may set standards for internet service providers to ensure equal access to online content and prevent discrimination against certain websites or services. Through its regulatory oversight, the FCC plays a vital role in shaping the telecommunications landscape and safeguarding the interests of consumers and businesses alike