
Google+ (often referred to as “Google Plus”) was a social networking platform developed by Google that enabled users to create and join circles, allowing them to categorize and interact with different groups of contacts such as family, friends, colleagues, and industry peers. Similar to other social networks, users could share and publish content, fostering engagement and potentially generating leads.

Google+ offered significant SEO benefits for content marketers, as social sharing on the platform contributed to improved search engine visibility. Given its ownership by Google, content shared on Google+ had the potential to influence search engine algorithms positively. However, it’s important to note that Google+ was discontinued in 2019.


An example of Google+ usage could be a digital marketing agency leveraging the platform to connect with various stakeholders. The agency creates circles for different groups, including clients, industry peers, and prospects. They regularly share informative blog posts, industry news, and case studies to engage their audience and showcase their expertise.

By actively participating in relevant communities and discussions, the agency establishes thought leadership and builds relationships within its industry. Additionally, they utilize Google+ to promote upcoming events and webinars, encouraging interaction and participation from their network. Through the strategic use of Google+, the agency enhances its online presence, fosters meaningful connections, and drives engagement with its target audience.