Gross Rating Points

Gross Rating Points (GRPs) serve as a crucial metric in advertising, particularly in television ad buying. They are calculated by multiplying the frequency of ad runs by the percentage of the target audience reached, then multiplying the result by 100. While the calculation may be complex, GRPs provide valuable insights for media planners in determining the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns.

Although traditionally used for television ads, GRPs can also be adapted for online advertising, enabling planners to assess their media mix and optimize their marketing strategies across various channels.


An example of Gross Rating Points (GRPs) in action is a television advertising campaign targeting a specific demographic. Let’s say an ad is aired 10 times during a particular TV show, and it reaches 20% of the target audience each time it airs. To calculate GRPs, we multiply the frequency of ad runs (10) by the percentage of the target audience reached (20%), resulting in 200 GRPs.

This indicates the total exposure of the ad to the target audience during the campaign. GRPs provide advertisers with a quantifiable measure of the campaign’s reach and help in assessing its overall effectiveness in reaching the desired audience.