Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

The page that appears after a user submits a search query to a search engine is known as the search engine results page (SERP). Alongside organic search results, SERPs typically feature paid search advertisements and pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Given the influence of search engine optimization (SEO), securing a top-ranking position on a SERP is fiercely competitive, as users tend to click on results displayed at the top of the page. The introduction of schema markup has further heightened the complexity of SERPs, as they evolve to better anticipate and fulfill user needs.


An example of a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) could be a Google search for “best pizza restaurants in New York City.” The SERP would display a list of organic search results featuring websites and articles about top pizza spots in NYC. Additionally, there might be a map with pinned locations of recommended pizza restaurants, along with paid advertisements from pizza chains or delivery services at the top and bottom of the page. Featured snippets could also appear, showcasing information like “Top 10 Pizza Places in NYC” with brief descriptions and ratings. Overall, the SERP provides users with a variety of options to explore and choose from based on their search query.